Hemingway’s Goblet, Dermot Ross
Publication date 19 April 2024
RRP $38.00, PB, 320pp
ISBN: 978-1-7386176-0-9
Publicity updates
‣ #1 in the Unity Books Auckland bestseller chart for the week ending April 18. Read the full list here.
‣ #2 in the Nielsen Indie Top 20 for w/e 20th April.
‣ #3 in the Nielsen New Zealand Fiction for Adults w/e 20th April (Domestic).
A debut novel by a New Zealand lawyer that will challenge your perceptions about Ernest Hemingway and also modern relationships in the #MeToo era .
Nick Harrieson’s life takes an unexpected turn when he is accused of sexually harassing one of his female students. While awaiting the hearing of his case he decides to investigate some family history regarding his grandfather.
Some of his discoveries are heartbreaking and some are astounding: his grandfather’s terrible death as a prisoner of war, and his links to Ernest Hemingway which show the famous literary icon in a new and unflattering light.
Through his research, Nick also embarks on a personal journey of love, self-exploration, and honesty. Life will never be the same once the truth comes out.
“Original and highly entertaining . . . An engaging, amusing depiction of Hemingway’s life and writing”
About the author:
Lawyer Dermot Ross has spent the majority of his life in beautiful New Zealand, with a brief sojourn in London during his 20s.
Although Hemingway’s Goblet is Dermot’s debut novel, he is no stranger to writing, having authored several book reviews for journals as well as articles which have been published in various publications.
Influenced by a number of his friends who are published novelists Dermot decided to embark on his own novel.
Hemingway’s Goblet showcases Dermot’s knowledge of many things, including the law, military history, and the life and works of the great Ernest Hemingway.
Author Note:
‘Like many lawyers I have spent the whole of my career writing documents and letters, and so it is a natural stretch to think that one can write a book, fiction or non-fiction. About five years ago I decided it would be good fun to write a novel.
I had the idea of writing something about Hemingway, being so well-known and a larger-than-life figure. I started researching him, and read several articles and biographies, and thought about tying a fictional character into Hemingway’s own fictional character, Harris, in The Sun Also Rises.
My Hemingway research has taken me in all sorts of directions. I have about 50 books, which I describe as my Hemingway collection, consisting of his works, biographies and criticisms of him, and I am a member of a number of popular Hemingway Facebook sites. I even attended the conference of the Hemingway Society in Montana and Wyoming in July 2023. To research the book, I visited all of the places in Spain featured in the book (San Sebastian, Burguete, Pamplona and Alicante).’